Is your business in need of a Social Media Marketing consultant or company in San Diego? We’re here to help!
With such a large and socially active city, it’s easy to get lost in the mix. We have monthly goals, monthly reports, and years of social media knowledge to help your business grow to their maximum potential. We have experience and a large presence in all the social networks, including Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Reddit, TikTok, Quora, StumbleUpon, and more!
We have a variety of plans to fit your businesses needs and budget, including monthly coaching/consulting services.
All Social Media Plans typically include the following :
To help make sure we’re always on the same page, every month we offer our clients a monthly update with the following information (at their request):
We Love San Diego!
Kickin Knowledge is a 5 Star rated local small business.
We are a Member of the Pacific Beach Town Council and Webmaster of West Coast Drill Instructors Associate.
We offer special rates for nonprofits and local organizations that help the community. We believe not only in taking pride in San Diego, but also in supporting the community so that they will support you and your business.
Contact us today at (415) 237-3932 for a free consultation on your website or online marketing needs.